America's #1 Love & Marriage Experts
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Love and Marriage Experts

“You’ve had the perfect wedding and now you have a glimpse of what can come next if only you will commit to building a love that lasts with the seven surprising secrets of successful marriage.”

"No marriage has ever been saved or made successful because the couple had great sex."

“The relationship between husband and wife trumps everything else in a marriage. Get it right and good things follow. Get it
wrong and lots of bad things often happen!”

"The truth is, American's love marriage! We just need to learn how to get marriage right the first time around."

“The fact is most successful marriages experience difficult challenges, yet they survive and thrive. Our research tells us why.”

Quotes by
Dr. Charles Schmitz and
Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz

America's #!
Love and Marriage Experts

About America's #1 Love and Marriage Experts
Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz

Dr. Charles and Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz are renowned love and marriage experts and authors of the award-winning books, In Marriage Simple Things Matter, Building a Love That Lasts (Jossey-Bass/Wiley), How to Marry the Right Guy, Simple Things Matter and Golden Anniversaries. As the Lead Experts on the Advisory Board for, Marriage Experts for, and prolific writers for, and, the Doctors provide inspiration and guidance to readers around the globe..

The Doctors know that when it comes to successful and satisfying
relationships, simple things matter most. They understand what makes relationships work because they have conducted over 37 years of research on successful marriages in all 50 US States, all 10 Canadian Provinces and 56 countries on all seven continents of the world, as well as drawing from the personal experiences of their own 52-year marriage.

Dr. Charles D. Schmitz was a highly successful faculty member and administrator in higher education. He is currently Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Counseling and Family Therapy at the University of Missouri - St. Louis, where he has focused on counseling psychology and leadership.  Previously, Dr. Charles was a Professor of Counseling Psychology and Higher and Adult Education at the University of Missouri - Columbia and was Professor of Counseling and Dean at Baylor University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri–Columbia.

Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz is a full-time researcher and author. She served as an award-winning administrator and educator for 36 years. Elizabeth received her Ed.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia and lectured at numerous colleges in the areas of counseling and leadership. She is president of Successful Marriage Reflections in St. Louis, Missouri, where she and Charles reside.

Dr. Charles and Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz have received collectively nearly 70 awards (international, national, state, and local); published over 1100 articles (71 scholarly articles in professional journals and over 1000 Internet articles about love, marriage and relationships); authored/co-authored 16 books/monographs – academic and marriage related; given over 930 public speeches and presentations including multiple keynote addresses; participated in more than 200 radio and 50 television interviews; written 172 research and technical reports, book chapters, monographs and scholarly papers; had 75 articles about their work written by others appearing in multiple venues; produced/created 30 photo/music videos; and developed 6 software programs.

Together, the Doctors have written the multiple award-winning books, Building a Love that Lasts, Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage and Simple Things Matter in Love and Marriage, and are popular speakers and talk show guests. Their latest book, In Marriage Simple Things Matter, is often referred to as, "The complete encyclopedia of what makes marriage work."

Links to Samples of the Doctors work:

Media clips of America's #1 Love and Marriage Experts
Love and marriage articles by the Doctors
30 videos feauturing the Doctors' travels around the world to interview successfully married couples

Other Resources:
Successful Marriage
Love and Marriage Experts
Marriage Quotes
Love and Marriage Advice
Marriage Advice
Marriage Quiz
Marriage Experts
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