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7 Actions To Build A Lasting Love
America's #1 Love and Marriage Experts

Falling in love is easy, but making love last takes hard work.  A successful marriage is an accumulation of having done the simple things day in and day out to build a lasting love. 

Yet, doing the simple things is difficult for many couples to put into practice in their everyday relationship.  Here are 7 actions you can take to build a lasting love:

1. Share life's burdens. Carry the burdens of your relationship on four shoulders, not just two. Learn to sense when your partner needs help, even when he does not ask for it. Helpfulness should become such a matter of habit that you will feel and act like a winning team.

2. Be the number one cheerleader for your spouse.  Be the number one cheerleader for the one you love.  Support your lover in every way you can.  Let your partner know just how important he or she is to you and to the rest of the world.

3. Compromise on a regular basis.  Compromise is a part of daily living in a relationship.  No one can have it all his or her way.  Discuss how the two of you make decisions.  Establish a plan to work through important issues until you both can find a mutually agreeable solution.

4. Talk opening about everything.  Couples must talk about anything and everything. In successful marriage there are no sacred cows—no secrets.  The same is true of your relationship right now.  Build those communication skill between the two of you right early in your relationship.

5. Leave anger outside the bedroom.  Never go to bed mad—talk it over first and settle things before sleeping.  You may have one very long night before going to bed, but you will get the problem resolved.  While this is the number one piece of advice from the thousands of happily married couples we have interviewed throughout the world, it is also true for your relationship right now.  Don’t part ways angry.  Solve the problem before you leave each other.

6. Use touching as your Morse code to make an exclamation mark of your love.  Touch your loved one as you compliment what you really like about the way your lover looks.  This little habit forces you to pay careful attention to the best qualities of the one you love.

7. Your marriage should be exciting, never be boring and be full of unpredictable things.  Don’t always do that which is predictable.  Upend expectancies.  Variety is the spice of life.  Bring that excitement into your relationship everyday. Your marriage will be stronger if you both develop a habit of using these 7 actions.  

Great marriages require much work on a daily basis to build habits of positive interactions and mutual support, but the benefits you will gain from a lifetime of successful marriage are tremendous.

None of the successful couples we have interviewed throughout the world over the past 33 years have said that their relationship was easy and everything was always fine.  They understood that the hard work they put into building their lasting love was totally worth it.

For more tips to enhance your relationship get the best-selling and multiple-award winning book Building a Love that Lasts. Available wherever books are sold.

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